
PIC18F66J11 ic crack

PIC18F66J11 uncode, PIC18F66J11 mcu reverse, PIC18F66J11 code extraction

Beijing Sichip can read codes from the PIC18F66J11.
Touch me.  Email: sichip209@gmail.com 

The PIC18F66J11 is an enhancement to the PIC18F66J10 family, including an internal 8MHz oscillator, lower power and improved EEPROM emulation via word Flash write capabilities.

Main features of PIC18F66J11:
48 MHz and 10 MIPS at 3V
Flash 10,000 endurance, 20 years retention
2.0 - 3.6V voltage range
5V tolerant digital inputs
Enhanced ICD with 3 HW breakpoints
Internal 8MHz oscillator
nanoWatt technology
Parallel Master Port (PMP)


