
AT89LP51ED2 mcu crack

AT89LP51ED2 ic attack, AT89LP51ED2 reverse engineering, AT89LP51ED2 mcu code extraction

AT89LP51ED2 is single-cycle microcontroller with 64KB ISP flash and 12-clock compatibility mode.

Beijing Sichip(http://www.dspcrack.com) can read codes from the AT89 family, including AT89LP51ED2.

It includes 4KB EEPROM data memory, 2304 bytes RAM, 2KB ROM with UART-based Bootloader, PWM, UART, TWI, SPI, PCA, up to 42 I/Os, 10-bit A/D, dual Analog Comparators, an internal 8 MHz RC oscillator, and on-chip debug. The TWI and On-Chip Debug features are not available on 40-pin PDIP package.

Touch me for more information.
Email: sichip209@gmail.com  Skype: techip.mcu.02  Tel: 86-15313166209

