
MC9S08SH32 dsp attack

Beijing Sichip(http://www.dspcrack.com) offers the MC9S08SH32 mcu reverse service. If you have such needs, welcome to touch me. Email: sichip209@gmail.com  Skype: techip.mcu.02

The MC9S08SH32 is a 8-bit microcontrollers that offers a new low-end option for applications in the 5-volt range. The MC9S08SH32 is pin, tool and software compatible with S08SG, offering greater design flexibility.

Features of MC9S08SH32:
8-bit HCS08 Central Processor Unit (CPU)
Integrated Third-Generation Flash Memory and RAM
Flexible Clock Options
Ganged Output Option for PTB (5:2) and PTC (3:0)
Multiple Serial Communication Options
Integrated Analog Peripherals
Three Timer Modules
System Protection
Development Support

